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September 11, 2024
4 min read

CDC data reveal three social drivers that influence suicide risk

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder News

February 03, 2022
1 min read

Obsessive-compulsive traits may affect post-pandemic adjustment

Several traits related to obsessive-compulsive personality disorder predicted post-pandemic adjustment difficulties, according to study results published in Journal of Psychiatric Research.

January 26, 2022
2 min read

Stopping SRIs in OCD may be noninferior to continuing, but monitoring needed

Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder who were well after exposure/response prevention therapy often could discontinue a serotonin reuptake inhibitor and have similar outcomes to those who continued an SRI.


September 11, 2024
4 min read

CDC data reveal three social drivers that influence suicide risk

January 03, 2022
1 min read

Top psych stories of 2021: Omega-3 slows stress-linked aging, CBD aids health care workers

Healio Psychiatry’s five most-viewed stories of the year highlight a study on omega-3 supplementation and stress-related accelerated aging, research into the benefits of cannabidiol for frontline health care workers and data on the link between OCD and increased risk for dementia/Alzheimer’s disease.

December 28, 2021
2 min read

Adolescents conceived via assisted reproduction do not have worse mental health

Adolescents conceived via assisted reproduction do not have worse mental health

Adolescents who were conceived via assisted reproductive techniques were not at increased risk for poor psychiatric health compared with the general population, according to study results published in JAMA Psychiatry.

December 06, 2021
1 min read

Altered decision-making in youth OCD appears tied to environmental uncertainty

Early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder among youths may affect decision-making because of uncertainty in the environment, according to results of a cross-sectional study published in JAMA Network Open.

November 22, 2021
2 min read

Clinical factors not necessary exclusion criteria for deep brain stimulation in OCD

Clinical and demographic factors should not be used as exclusion criteria when considering deep brain stimulation of the ventral anterior limb of the internal capsule for patients with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder.

November 22, 2021
4 min read

Mental health training for clinicians reduces stigma, improves diagnostic accuracy

Mental health training for clinicians reduces stigma, improves diagnostic accuracy

Two separate efforts, both involving training and education interventions for health care workers, show promise in reducing stigma and improving care for patients with mental health conditions, data show.

October 29, 2021
1 min read

Expert highlights interventions for OCD-linked internet, gaming, sex addictions

Expert highlights interventions for OCD-linked internet, gaming, sex addictions

Excessive behaviors related to internet, gaming and sex that may be linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder lack a clear treatment approach and thus warrant consideration of various factors, according to a presenter at Psych Congress.

October 28, 2021
2 min read

Fluvoxamine shows promise in patients with COVID-19

Fluvoxamine shows promise in patients with COVID-19

The antidepressant fluvoxamine reduced the need for hospitalization among high-risk patients with COVID-19, according to results of the randomized, placebo-controlled TOGETHER trial.

October 25, 2021
1 min read

Need of approval predicts OCD diagnosis

Attachment style should be evaluated among adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder, according to study results published in Journal of Psychiatric Research.

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