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May 28, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

NEW YORK — May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a perfect opportunity for individuals to focus on their state of mind, Carol A. Bernstein, MD, said in this Healio video from the American Psychiatric Association annual meeting.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for everybody to learn and understand the issues that affect our mental health in these extremely challenging and complex times,” said Bernstein, professor of psychiatry and vice chair of faculty development and well-being in the department of psychiatry at Montefiore Medical Center in the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Personal mental health care may be as simple as increasing one’s support system, seeking out meditation or mental health related apps to recognizing and seeking out assistance from a mental health professional for a more serious issue, she said.

“We all have stresses in our daily lives,” Bernstein added. “And we hope that all of you will take the opportunity to focus on your own health during this month.”