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June 19, 2022
1 min read

Onkos Surgical to acquire Stryker’s Juvenile Tumour System for pediatric bone cancer

Onkos Surgical Inc. has announced a definitive agreement with Stryker for the acquisition of the Juvenile Tumour System, an extendible prosthesis system for pediatric patients with bone cancer, according to an Onkos Surgical press release.

The Juvenile Tumour System (JTS) enables limb stabilization and growth in pediatric patients with bone cancer, severe arthropathy, trauma, revisions, oncology and malignant diseases. According to the release, the JTS system eliminates the need for multiple limb lengthening surgeries, anesthesia or sedation, and reduces the risk of a costly limb reconstruction surgery.

“This is a significant day for Onkos Surgical and the musculoskeletal oncology community,” Patrick Treacy, co-founder and CEO of Onkos Surgical, said in the release. “Our ‘why’ has always driven us to specifically address the many clinical challenges this community of surgeons and patients face on a daily basis. Pediatric cancer surgery and limb lengthening are complex and challenging procedures, and the JTS extendible prosthesis is a solution in service of this mission.”