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June 30, 2020
1 min read

Hip arthroscopy yields greater provisionary results for femoroacetabular impingement

Patients with femoroacetabular impingement who had arthroscopic surgery saw better short-term results compared with patients who had only physical therapy, according to data published in the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery.

Tim Dwyer, MBBS, PhD, of the Women’s College in Toronto, Canada, and colleagues sought to evaluate results of patients with femoroacetabular impingement treated with hip arthroscopy compared with physical therapy. They analyzed data from several databases through February 2019.

The primary outcome was the International Hip Outcome Tool 33 (iHOT-33).

Investigators stratified patients from three randomized control trials (n = 650; mean age, 35 years; 51.5% men) into groups based on who received surgery and who used physical therapy (323 vs. 327. The weighted follow-up period was 10 months.

Dwyer and colleagues identified that patients treated with surgery had greater preoperative-to-postoperative iHOT-33 scores compared with the physical therapy group (standard mean difference = 3.46; 95% CI, 0.07-6.86).

Investigators reported that in one study, 51% of the surgery group and 32% of the physical therapy group achieved clinically significant outcomes on an individual level. The groups also achieved the patient acceptable iHOT-33 symptomatic state of daily living (48% vs 19%).

“The results of this meta-analysis show that patients with FAI syndrome treated with hip arthroscopy have statistically superior hip-related outcomes in the short term compared with those threated with physical therapy alone,” Dwyer and colleague wrote.