April 02, 2013
2 min read

Law of the Echo: Negative feelings are attracted to negative events

Many spiritual writers proclaim a universal “truth” – we will receive in return what we “put out there” to the universe. This phenomenon has been described as “karma,” the law of attraction or simply the Law of the Echo. In other words, we receive positive or negative energy in accordance to what signal we emit.

For example, one who complains criticizes and finds fault with others will attract negative events and people into their lives. The negative emotions one emits will bring back to that person energy of a similar frequency. Chronic complainers tend to hang out with each other. Have you ever noticed how you feel after being with someone who is hypercritical? I guarantee your mood declines.

This concept of negative emotions also gives credence to this law. I have had mornings where one unfortunate occurrence seems to have led to a cascade of negative events. The misplaced cars keys led to hurried breakfast, spilled coffee, skipped love letter to my wife, mindless speeding on the expressway only to arrive to a meeting late which put me into a negative mindset before “the big case.” One negative feeling was attracted a series of negative events. And yes ... the case didn’t exactly flow effortlessly.

‘Mirror neurons’

Science lends support to the Law of the Echo. Our brains possess “mirror neurons,” which reflect neural impulse in accordance to what they receive. In other words, if our brains are subject to negative energy in the form of sarcasm or complaining, then our own brain cells will tend to mirror the impulses they receive and transmit negative signals, which promote our own complaining. Emotions are contagious.

Reflect on how you feel after being around someone who chronically whines, complains or cannot find anything to be grateful for. A good friend used to jog every morning with someone who used the time to vent and find fault about everything in the world. My friend would comment how he never felt totally energized after his runs. Finally, he recognized he was absorbing all the negative energy his discontented friend emitted. His positive feelings re-emerged when he changed running partners.

Take-home points

Seek out positive people and surround yourself, whenever possible. As for people for whom you have no choice, remember that we create our reality.

As I have stated many times before, be a light, not a critic. Emit positive signals whenever and wherever you go. If a situation, for example the operating room, is imbued in negative energy, then be a positive agent of change. If a loved one or friend is in pain, then expend even more positive energy and love. Finally, if a marriage or important relationship is in disrepair, then take the lead and recognize that negative emotions are a cry for help. Give that person the positive feelings of affirmation and love they so deeply need.

In turn, you will always reap what you sow.