November 04, 2013
2 min read

How is your ‘universe’?

Einstein is quoted as saying that the most important question a person can ask is “is the universe a friendly place?” This question holds great wisdom for me.

I am truly more peaceful when I regard the “universe” or my “source” or God as being kind and good rather than angry and vindictive. In fact, people who believe in a friendly higher power have been shown to be more resilient than people who accept a punitive and vengeful one.

People who believe in a loving and kind supreme presence regard events as “all good” and working for our enrichment. Whatever may befall you, if the universe is indeed friendly? As I have come to believe, there is always a gift or lesson in whatever may occur, moment by moment. When recognized, the lesson will only work for our good.

‘Gift’ of malpractice strife

About 12 years ago, I hit my “rock bottom.” My dad had a chronic illness, my grandmother recently passed away and I got hit with a huge malpractice lawsuit. I was depressed, anxious, could not sleep and was growing further apart from my family. My pain forced me to return to the fundamentals of a peaceful and healthy life – faith, family and self-care. I got professional help, became more committed to my church, consecrated my life to my spouse, and began to treat my body like a shrine. Now, in recovery, I am grateful to share with others the principles which were so helpful.

There is no question the strife of the malpractice suit was a gift. It ushered forth a true spiritual awakening that otherwise would have occurred years later – if at all. The friendly universe is trying to teach you moment-by-moment for your good.

The non-unions, infections, neuropraxias and even disgruntled patients all hold a gift for us. Perhaps in the hurried case you could have been more careful with draping. Maybe you were not mindful during the fracture case and didn’t consider adding a bone graft.

Your call

Many spiritual writers convey the principle that people who disturb us the most are, in fact, our best teachers. Consider the angry patient as your chance to practice humility and apologize. Just this week I grew in patience and kindness to a “drug seeker.” My own issues continually make it hard to avoid judging and criticizing certain subsets of patients.

It is up to you to decide to grow or lament over every event in your life. What is your universe asking of you today? Which case or patient is your source sending your way so you may see some genuine gift or opportunity for self-enrichment?