Issue: December 2019

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December 03, 2019
2 min read

Submitted abstracts for the EFORT Congress: A step closer to Vienna

Issue: December 2019

The abstract submission for the upcoming EFORT Congress in Vienna, Austria to be held from 10 to 12 June 2020, is now closed.

The next step in the scientific organization process — the online scoring of all abstracts — began in late November 2019, and the EFORT pool of expert reviewers are currently selecting the best work to be presented on site. By the end of 2019, the review process will be completed and the EFORT Science Committee will hold an important meeting in January 2020 to embed all the accepted abstracts into the overall scientific program, either as oral or poster presentations.

Therefore, on behalf of the EFORT leadership, EFORT would like to take this opportunity to thank all the abstract submitters from the worldwide orthopaedics and traumatology community who sent their latest findings to contribute to developing the 2020 scientific program.

Vienna banner

The extremely high interest in sharing orthopaedic knowledge on a European level has been highlighted once more this year by all the submissions received within our three main categories and distributed as follows: orthopaedics 63.5%; trauma 29.4%; and general topics 7.1%.

Among these abstracts, the most popular topics were the following:

  • orthopaedics – knee & lower leg (19.6%);
  • orthopaedics – pelvis, hip & femur (19.4%);
  • trauma – hip & femur (8.1%);
  • orthopaedics – shoulder & upper arm (4.7%); and
  • knee & lower leg trauma (4.6%).*

Besides this, the most active countries to send their work were the United Kingdom 25%; Spain 6%; Japan 6%; Portugal 5%; and South Korea 5%.* All authors who have a special query regarding changes in affiliation or contact details of authors, update of conflict of interest disclosures, minor spelling corrections or any other need should directly contact the abstract team by sending a message to


Abstract acceptance/rejection notifications to authors – 31 January 2020

On Friday 31 January 2020, EFORT will notify all authors and co-authors about the acceptance status of their submitted abstract(s), as well as give a preliminary schedule for their presentation(s). The presenting author of a selected abstract must undertake to attend the congress and present the abstract in the session and at the time designated by the scientific committee.

For further details on registration fees and attendance, please consult the EFORT registration platform as of January 2020. Do not forget that, as is the case every year, the complete online scientific program goes public on 15 March. Stay tuned!

*Percentages given are calculated on the total number of abstracts.