Issue: November 2019

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November 04, 2019
3 min read

EFORT returns to Lisbon for Annual Congress in 2021

Issue: November 2019

The EFORT Executive and Science Committees are delighted to invite all members of the worldwide orthopaedics and traumatology community to attend the Annual EFORT Congress in Lisbon from 9 to 11 June 2021.

To stay in line with the success of previous editions of our congress, EFORT will offer again in 2021 a wide array of topics ranging from basic research to clinical orthopaedic practice and treatments for traumatic injuries. As part of its educational mission, EFORT aims to offer state-of-the-art advances in all the orthopaedics and traumatology (O&T) subcategories. Moreover, the content of the scientific program will be enhanced once more by an overarching congress main theme (to be announced) to highlight EFORT’s constant work to establish standards for improvement of patient care.

The presentation of well-established medical techniques and new evidence in emerging areas provides worthy scientific guidance to our attendees, making this annual meeting one of the most important sources of international knowledge and experience in the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Renowned experts will discuss their procedures, the rationale for their decisions and their successes and failures within different session formats to encourage interaction between attendees and speakers. Several Instructional Lectures will be held to increase the audience knowledge in O&T specialties with an accompanying manuscript that broadly covers the topic of each presentation and is included in the June edition of the EFORT Open Reviews, a peer-reviewed Open Access journal that is indexed in PubMed with free, full text provided in PubMed Central. Other types of sessions, such as the Interactive Expert Exchanges and Complex Case Discussions place the audience at the heart of the discussion, whereas our popular Debate Fora programs efficiently address controversial topics. Finally, presentations within the Evidence-Based Medicine format cover the most up-to-date scientific findings.

Up to today, the EFORT invited sessions embedded in the congress scientific program (six formats that represent 35% of the content) were chosen by the Science Committee from proposals submitted by members of our national societies, as well as by individuals. To improve the structure of the Congress scientific content, EFORT has progressively increased collaboration with the European specialty societies, which will now not only run their own sessions embedded into the overall program, but also have compiled a list of specific topics suitable for a 3-year cycle program to be covered for each area of expertise. These topics have been chosen as tracks to be covered (not too restrictive) in order to leave free some extent of the scientific program to allow for novel proposals from the EFORT National Member Societies. Indeed, in parallel, all EFORT national representatives will remain free to make independent proposals for topics and speakers to be considered, particularly for specific “hot topics” within their country).


As in past years, we will welcome two renowned orthopaedic surgeons who will deliver the EFORT Erwin Morscher and Michael Freeman Honorary Lectures at lunchtime on Thursday and Friday of the meeting, respectively. For a successful scientific program, the direct involvement of all O&T experts in the core of the content is essential. Indeed, all abstract submitters play a major and important part in the meeting. By submitting your research work for possible integration in the congress program, you are given the opportunity to discuss your observations and share new clinical considerations that others can possibly implement for a given diagnosis. In this way, you will gain recognition from your peers, not to mention the opportunity to expand your professional network by connecting with colleagues and professional practitioners who will help you to modify research concepts and guide the development and publishing of your findings in respected publications.

Through all these educational resources, the 2021 EFORT Congress will cover the whole range of contemporary O&T issues in Europe and participants will gain a greater awareness of future trends.

On top of this, the 2021 meeting will also be a great opportunity to visit Lisbon, a rewarding destination that combines beautiful old neighborhoods and vibrant parts that make it one of Europe’s most exciting cities. The continent’s sunniest capital is built across seven hills so that nearly every street affords immensely satisfying views of the city as it slips down toward the Rio Tejo. This “enchanted port,” which is the meaning of the city’s original name, has always represented the will of discovery because it was the starting harbor of many historical sailing expeditions. Lisbon can, therefore, presumably prove to be one of the best arrival points for any modern explorer, as well. Lastly, the congress dates in June are the perfect time to join in the traditional festivities for Santo António, the patron of the city, as their highpoint is the parade of popular marches along Avenida da Liberdade on the evening of 12 June 2021.

We hope the 2021 EFORT Congress destination will be enjoyable, entertaining and as educationally rewarding as it is expected to be.