Abstract submission for EFORT Vienna 2020 Congress can be simple and smooth

Abstract submission for the upcoming EFORT Annual Congress in Vienna, Austria will be running on our online scientific platform until Friday, 15 November 2019 at 23:59 CET.
The first step of the submission process is defined by an initial branching to differentiate clinical vs. basic science research, as well as review abstracts. An initial choice to submit your abstract either as a clinical study, an experimental study or a systematic review is essential to allow a better assignment of reviewers and the application of more accurate criteria for scoring.
Clinical and experimental studies correspond to primary research data owned by the submitter and respectively include safety and efficacy results for biomedical interventions (drug, treatment or device) on human subjects in the first case, or laboratory experiments and anatomy analysis based on biomechanics and/or animal models for the second type. Systematic reviews collect secondary data from an exhaustive literature search to provide a complete summary of current evidence linked to one specific research question. Systematic reviews are not descriptive, but rather critically appraise existing findings.
Within the clinical study category, three types of presentation are available: Free Paper and Poster for clinical research using a control group or Clinical Report for a single clinical case with specific relevance; whereas, within the experimental study and systematic review categories only the Free Paper or Poster types can apply. Once the main section and type of presentation are defined, the EFORT topic tree, based on scientific categories within orthopaedics, trauma or general topics, will allow submitters to specify the area of expertise that corresponds best to the content of each abstract.
Importantly, only one section and one type of presentation must be chosen for each piece of work. We therefore suggest submitters consider the abstract categorization carefully and take into account extra details regarding the scientific level expected for each presentation type.
Free Paper
Abstracts submitted under the Free Paper category are expected to have high scientific quality. These should correspond to complete studies with outstanding results and innovative conclusions. Experimental studies having the potential to change the medical practice, as well as clinical findings worth widespread dissemination, should be submitted under this format. All the abstracts accepted as Free Papers will be featured as podium presentations in the general scientific session rooms and embedded in the congress overall program. They will be considered as extremely relevant and enjoyable.
Clinical Report
Abstracts submitted under the Clinical Report category should refer to a single medical case that presents scientific value for the use of a specific treatment or technique. Description of the patient’s history and examination should be followed by a summary of the outcomes after treatment, highlighting the benefit of the clinical findings to the current knowledge and the influence on the management of similar cases. Abstracts accepted as Clinical Reports will be presented orally during specific clinical sessions with interactive discussions around each case presented.
Abstracts submitted under the Poster category can be based on preliminary results or correspond to short studies or trials. Authors favoring a more informal exchange about their research results should consider submitting abstracts in this category as Poster sessions usually gather only small groups of experts with a specific interest. Accepted posters will be presented as wallpaper posters within a large display section in the exhibition area. Some posters will be evaluated as part of the Poster Walks.
The content of each abstract must be an honest representation of work completed, with no estimates or projections based on data available at the time of the submission. The final presentation must reflect the data contained in the abstract, and any manipulation after submission will be considered as fraudulent.The online platform is user-friendly and the final version of the abstract is previewed in real-time within the system. Online edits are easy to make, straightforward and can be performed as wished before the closure deadline, but some mandatory information is required to successfully complete a submission.
There is no restriction on the number of abstracts to submit. However, acceptance is limited to a maximum of six abstracts (three oral presentations and three poster presentations) per registered participant. For additional accepted abstracts from a single research group, a new presenting author should be named. All presenting authors need to complete a full registration to the congress to confirm their abstracts are included in the final scientific program.
Submitters should consider obtaining the following essential information before beginning the process:
A valid professional email address for each co-author participating in the study. All communications, including notifications, specific guidelines and presentation certificates are only sent to the contact details given during the submission process;
Current working affiliation of each co-author participating in the study. The correct name of the hospital, clinic, university or other institution, together with the corresponding address, city and country are required;
Profession and medical qualification of each co-author; and
Financial conflict of interests (COIs) that apply to the contribution to the work of each co-author participating in the study. COIs may include holding shares, receiving royalties, giving paid presentations for any institution, doing consulting work, receiving institutional support or having a relationship with a commercial organization.
Submitters from allied professions (nurses, physiotherapists and other health care providers) are invited to submit their work using the unique main categorization, as all abstracts will be evaluated under the same conditions and allocated into abstract-based oral and poster sessions embedded in the overall meeting program. These abstracts will complement the purely scientific and clinical data and focus on the improvement of the patient’s rehabilitation and postoperative handling.
Please note that the EFORT Science Committee reserves the right to change the section, type of presentation or scientific topic of any abstract submitted. In these cases, authors will be informed individually of changes performed or additional actions required. Abstract scoring will be completed by the end of the year and notifications for acceptance and rejection will be sent to all authors on Friday, 31 January 2020.
Make your research count by sharing it with the biggest orthopaedics and traumatology medical community gathering in the same place.
Submission closes 15 November 2019, 23:59 CET.
- For more information:
- All about the EFORT Annual Congress, 10-12 June 2020, Vienna, Austria
- Abstract submission: General information & guidelines