Submit abstracts, be part of the scientific program for the EFORT 2020 Congress

Abstract submission for the upcoming EFORT Congress in Vienna opens on 16 September 2019 and gives all members of the orthopaedic and trauma community the chance to have their work integrated into the scientific program for the EFORT Congress and be an active part of the meeting.
The major aim of EFORT is to provide worthy scientific guidance via the active sharing of well-established medical techniques and new evidence for emerging procedures in the area of prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries concerning the musculoskeletal system. To achieve this objective, the congress organizing committee has already launched the invitation process to gather well-recognized experts who will broadly discuss their preferred approaches to several conditions, the rationale for their decisions, their successes and failures, and their tips and tricks. During the congress, important international sources of knowledge and experience are accessible to every participant.
Shared experience
Congress attendees will amass critical information and data related to their specialty and access useful recommendations to enhance their daily medical practice. Another asset of participation in such a prominent international meeting is the shared experience. The ability to discuss onsite with a colleague who faces a patient with a medical condition similar to one of your own cases may allow you to consider a different diagnosis or treatment in a particular setting. However, presenting your own successful results can significantly influence the methods and practices of other orthopaedic surgeons and health care professionals from across the globe.
Therefore, by submitting your research work for possible integration in the congress program, you are given the opportunity to discuss your observations and share new clinical considerations that others can possibly implement for a given diagnosis. In this way, you will gain recognition from your peers, not to mention the opportunity to expand your professional network by connecting with colleagues and professional practitioners who will help you to modify research concepts and guide you to develop and publish your findings in respected publications.
Contributions add to success of the meeting
The EFORT Congress is the biggest European platform to share orthopaedic and trauma (O&T) knowledge and emerging scientific data. Its scientific sessions are training programs with high scientific value. All authors who are invited to contribute to the scientific content of the congress by presenting their work orally adhere to the same standards and their contributions are vital to the success of the meeting. To be part of the program for the EFORT Congress in Vienna as a specialist who seeks to foster and restore the mobility, musculoskeletal health and quality of life for the European population, send us your innovative, previously unpublished work.
The abstract should convey information that the EFORT reviewers can use to identify good quality research. Abstracts should be in English and must fit within the stated parameters for length and layout. The abstract submission system is self-explanatory and online edits are easy to perform any time before the closure deadline. Please consult the complete guidelines for abstract submission and submit abstracts before 15 November 2019, 23:59 CET. No extensions are possible.
Information within the abstract must be an honest representation of the work completed and not include estimates or projections based on data available at the time of submission. Diagrams, tables and pictures are not accepted as part of the abstract content. Nurses, physiotherapists and members of the other allied professions are invited to submit their work under the main abstract categories by using the EFORT topic tree available during submission.
All abstracts will be scored against objective criteria according to scientific and clinical accuracy. The score also depends on the medical relevance, originality and benefit of the work. Several independent reviewers from the relevant subspecialty area will blindly assess each abstract.
Make your research count by sharing it with the biggest O&T community gathering in the same place.
Submission opens 16 September 2019 | closes 15 November 2019, 23:59 CET.
- For more information:
- All about the 21st EFORT Annual Congress, 10-12 June 2020, Vienna
- Abstract submission: General information & guidelines