July 11, 2019
2 min read

Fixed, adjustable loop devices led to good ACL reconstruction results

According to recently published results, good clinical and radiological outcomes were seen with both fixed and adjustable loop cortical suspension devices in ACL reconstruction. No significant differences were seen with regard to synovial coverage and rupture of the graft with second-look arthroscopy.

Perspective from Bert R. Mandelbaum, MD

Researchers identified 79 patients who underwent ACL reconstruction. Of these patients, 41 underwent surgery with a fixed loop (EndoButton) device and 38 patients had surgery with an adjustable loop (TightRope) device. The groups were compared for Lysholm knee scores, Lachman test, pivot-shift test, anterior stress radiographs and femoral tunnel widening on plain radiographs. Second-look arthroscopy was used in 27 fixed loop patients and in 21 adjustable loop patients.

Results showed improvements in both groups at final follow-up for the mean Tegner activity, Lysholm and IKDC scores, However, there were no statistically significant differences between groups. Groups were not statistically significantly different with regard to Lachman test scores, pivot-shift test scores or anterior stress radiographs. No significant differences were seen in radiologic measurements that compared the femoral tunnel widening at the proximal and distal half. No differences were seen in graft tear and synovial coverage after second-look arthroscopy. – by Monica Jaramillo


Disclosures: The researchers report no relevant financial disclosures.