July 08, 2019
2 min read

Opioid series highlights new programs developed to reduce opioid use

Healio.com/Orthopedics highlights new programs and approaches developed by practices to help reduce patient opioid use. More stories from this Healio.com/Orthopedics’ series can be found by clicking here.


Guidelines at Mayo Clinic decrease number of opioids prescribed

With its guidelines that restrict opioid prescriptions, Mayo Clinic has drastically reduced the number of opioids prescribed to patients who undergo surgery. Read more.


OrthoCarolina emphasizes patient education for reducing opioid prescriptions

About 4 to 5 years ago, surgeons at OrthoCarolina recognized that patients were misusing opioid medications prescribed after a procedure. As a way to address this problem, OrthoCarolina implemented guidelines for providers that outlined an appropriate approach to narcotic prescribing. Read more.


University of Kentucky uses stepwise protocols to reduce opioid prescriptions

As the state of Kentucky began to tackle the opioid epidemic by passing legislation on the amount, duration and procedures for which controlled substances can be prescribed, the University of Kentucky began to establish additional opioid-prescribing guidelines and protocols for each of its surgical services. Read more.


Providers at NYU Langone Health work to combat opioid epidemic

NYU Langone Health brings together health care providers at the institution to work as a team to create individual protocols for different specialties to combat the opioid epidemic. Read more.


Protocols at Cleveland Clinic aim to reduce opioid prescriptions in Ohio

With Ohio ranked as having one of the highest opioid-involved overdose death rates by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Cleveland Clinic began making changes through pharmacy, prescribing and company-wide programs to reduce opioid prescribing after surgery. Read more.


Geisinger partners with community to reduce opioid addiction

With help from the surrounding community, Geisinger has implemented and expanded its opioid management program to combat opioid use disorder and develop a recovery community for its patients. Read more.


Preoperative protocol at HSS aims to identify patients at risk for difficult pain management

Physicians across the United States have encountered patients scheduled for orthopedic surgery who are already on high-dose opioid pain medication. While surgeons may refer these patients to a pain management specialist, not all do, and of the patients who are referred, not all follow through with an appointment. Read more.


Prescriber transparency reduced opioid prescriptions at University of California, San Francisco after orthopedic surgery

LAS VEGAS — Use of a goal-directed opioid reduction strategy successfully reduced opioid prescriptions at discharge at one institution with no significant increase in post-discharge refill rates, according to results presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting. Read more.


Twin Cities Orthopedics opioid guidelines program reduced prescriptions after orthopedic surgery

Twin Cities Orthopedics in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area has significantly reduced pain medication prescriptions and improved the habits for safe disposal of unused medications while maintaining high patient satisfaction levels with implementation of an opioid guidelines program. Read more.


Orthopedic surgeons, centers seek to be part of the solution to the opioid crisis

The opioid crisis is a growing problem, and statistics show the opioid prescribing practices of orthopedic surgeons may contribute to this serious situation. Read more.