July 03, 2019
1 min read

Capsulotomy repair vs nonrepair yields better outcomes after hip arthroscopy for FAI

Researchers saw better outcomes in patients who underwent arthroscopic femoroacetabular correction and hip labral repair with capsulotomy repair at the midterm follow-up compared with those who did not have capsulotomy repair, according to recently published results.

"This paper showed that closing the capsule resulted in better outcomes and fewer failures; however, patient selection is an important factor when determining the best treatment," Marc J. Philippon, MD, told Healio.com/Orthopedics.

Investigators identified 42 patients who underwent arthroscopic hip labral repair and correction of femoroacetabular impingement without capsulotomy repair and matched them with 84 patients who underwent capsulotomy repair and correction of femoroacetabular impingement. They matched patients based on sex, age and whether they had intraoperative procedures. The mean follow-up in patients with repaired capsulotomy was 6.4 years vs. 7.3 years for those without repair.

The Hip Outcome Score-Activity of Daily Living (HOS-ADL) was the primary outcome.

Results showed that patients in the nonrepair group were 6.8 times more likely to undergo total hip arthroplasty than those in the repair group. The revision rate was not different between the two groups. Patients who had their capsulotomy repaired had significantly higher HOS-ADL and modified Harris hip score (mHHS). The percentage of patients who achieved minimum clinically important difference for HOS-ADL and HOS-Sport was significantly higher in patients who had their capsulotomy repair vs. those who did not. Although, groups were not different regarding the percentage of patients who achieve minimal important change for the mHHS. The average alpha angle after arthroscopy in patients who were repaired was 40.83° and 41.66° in those who were not. – by Monica Jaramillo



Disclosures: The authors report the Steadman Philippon Research Institute has received grant funding or in-kind donations from Arthrex, DJO, MLB, Össur, Siemens, Smith & Nephew and XTRE.