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August 27, 2018
1 min watch

VIDEO: Ankle range of motion testing aids diagnosis of involuntary toe flexion

Patients with involuntary flexion of their toes may be diagnosed with any number of conditions. Shown is right-ankle range of motion testing in a 15-year-old adolescent patient that demonstrates the involuntary flexion of his first three digits with dorsiflexion.

Flexion contracture of the interphalangeal joints of the first, second and third digits with the right ankle in a plantigrade position worsened when ankle dorsiflexion was extended to 5° and it returned to neutral with plantar flexion.

Prior to undergoing treatment for this condition, the patient presented to physicians at Rush University Medical Center with difficulty walking uphill, as well as during maximal ankle dorsiflexion and other movements, about 3 years after he sustained a right triplane ankle fracture and an associated fibula fracture.