January 03, 2018
1 min read

Addition of Copenhagen adduction exercise to FIFA 11+ increased hip adduction strength

Results showed elite male soccer players experienced increased eccentric hip adduction strength when the Copenhagen adduction exercise was included in the FIFA 11+ program.

Joar Harøy, PT, and colleagues randomly assigned 45 eligible players from two U19 elite male soccer teams to carry out either the standard FIFA 11+ program or the FIFA 11+ program but with the Copenhagen adduction exercise instead of the Nordic hamstring exercise three times weekly for 8 weeks. Researchers had players perform eccentric strength and sprint testing before and after the intervention. Eccentric hip adduction strength was considered the main outcome measure.

The group that performed the Copenhagen adduction exercise had a significantly greater increase in eccentric hip adduction strength of 0.29 Nm/kg, according to between-group analyses. However, researchers noted no within-group change among the standard FIFA 11+ program group. Although the within-group analysis showed the standard FIFA 11+ group had increased eccentric knee flexion strength, researchers found no significant difference in the between-group analysis. Results showed both groups reported delayed-onset muscle soreness throughout the intervention period, with an individual range of delayed-onset muscle soreness for the hip adductors of 0 to 8 and 0 to 6 in the Copenhagen adduction exercise group and the standard FIFA 11+ groups, respectively.

“The FIFA 11+ does not target or influence hip adduction strength, which has been identified as an important, modifiable risk factor for groin injury in football, and which is reduced among players with groin pain,” Harøy told Healio.com/Orthopedics. “Thus, we suggest including the Copenhagen adduction exercise in the FIFA 11+ program to increase eccentric hip adduction strength effect and potentially increase the preventive effect on groin injuries.” – by Casey Tingle


Disclosure: The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center has been established at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences through grants from the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Culture, the South Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, the International Olympic Committee, the Norwegian Olympic Committee & Confederation of Sport and Norsk Tipping AS.