Issue: January 2018
January 02, 2018
1 min read

EFORT, SECEC to host webinar on proximal humeral fractures

Issue: January 2018

A collaboration between European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow, this ‘Focus Proximal Humeral Fractures’ Webinar will focus on classification, indication and techniques.

SECEC webinar

The webinar will be held Saturday 20 January 2018 from 10:00 to11:30 CET. The learning objectives are:

  • to demonstrate that proximal humeral fractures (PHF) are treated differently depending were you live;
  • show how classification and new technology help the surgeon to analyse PHF and help decision-making for treatment;
  • discuss indication for conservative, joint-preserving and joint replacement treatment options based on case presentation including discussion of the actual literature; and
  • present special aspects in children and adolescents.

The webinar program includes scientific presentations from an international faculty:

  • Case presentation with live voting
    Prof. Dr. Ariane Geber-Popp - Switzerland
  • Treatment of proximal humeral fractures: What you get may depend on where you live
    Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brunner - Germany
  • Imaging, assessing fractured deformity, predicting function, classification
    Mr. Addie Majed - England
  • Identikit Fracture ‘Conservative Treatment’
    Prof. Dr. Ariane Gerber-Popp - Switzerland
  • Identikit Fracture ‘Ostosynthesis’
    Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brunner - Germany
  • Identikit Fracture ‘Arthroplasty’
    Prof. Dr. Markus Scheibel - Germany
  • What is different in children?
    Prof. Dr. Annelie Weinber - Austria

The webinar will be hosted by M-Events, an eLearning online education platform.

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