Outpatient surgical centers yielded greater efficacy than ORs for ACL reconstruction
Results showed greater procedural efficacy among pediatric ACL reconstruction procedures performed in an outpatient surgical center compared with a hospital OR.
“Orthopedic-specific OR teams, as commonly utilized in outpatient surgical centers, result in improved efficiency, reduced cost and increased value,” William L. Hennrikus, MD, told Healio.com/Orthopedics.
Hennrikus and colleagues compared procedural efficacy between pediatric patients who either underwent ACL reconstruction in an outpatient surgical center (n=28) or in the hospital OR (n=21). Researchers defined procedural efficacy as shorter total OR time, less total staff and fewer support staff changes, and broke total OR time into in-room to incision time, total procedure time and stop time to out-of-room time.
Results showed surgeries performed in an outpatient surgical center had higher efficacy, with an improvement in total OR time by 30 minutes on average, as well as less total staff. Researchers noted a shorter total procedure time, in-room time to incision time and stop time to out-of-room time among procedures performed in the outpatient surgical center. Surgical technician changes occurred six-times more often and nursing changes occurred 2.5-times more often in the hospital OR. Researchers found procedures in the hospital OR had assistance from more than 30 different nurses and 15 different surgical technicians vs. 10 nurses and 5 surgical technicians in the outpatient surgical center. – by Casey Tingle
Disclosures: The authors report no relevant financial disclosures.