May 11, 2017
1 min read

Twin study investigates recent low back pain and meeting physical activity guidelines

Physical activity guidelines outlined by the WHO were less likely to be met by people with recent low back pain compared with those who had no history of chronic low back pain, according to published results of a data from a registry of twins.

However, investigators noted, “Genetics and early shared environment appear to be confounding the association between [low back pain] LBP and [physical activity] PA, although this needs to be further tested in larger twin samples.”

Researchers performed a cross-sectional, co-twin control study of 1,588 twins identified from the Murcia Twin Registry in Spain with information on low back pain and physical activity. Investigators asked participants with chronic low back pain to self-report the presence of recent low back pain, previous low back pain and persistent low back pain. The outcome variable was whether participants met the WHO physical activity guidelines of 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity or 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week.
a multivariate, logistic regression analysis for the total cohort to determine the association between chronic low back pain and meeting the physical activity guidelines. A conditional, multivariate logistic regression analysis was also performed for complete twin pairs for low back pain to adjust for influence from both genetics and early shared environment.

Results showed recent low back pain and meeting the physical activity guidelines had a significant inverse correlation. Investigators noted this correlation disappeared after they controlled for genetics and early shared environment. – by Monica Jaramillo

Disclosure: The researchers report no relevant financial disclosures.