Issue: July 2016
June 30, 2016
1 min read

EFORT Fora to take place in September and November

Issue: July 2016
Professor George Macheras

Under the supervision of EFORT Fora Chair, Professor George Macheras, from Athens, Greece, EFORT organizes about 10 to 12 European Fora each year. Launched in 2002, the project aims to organize specific EFORT symposia during the annual congresses of its member national societies.

Upcoming Fora 2016

23 September 2016 – Modern Methods and Prospects of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Treatment
EFORT Fora at the XLI Scientific Congress of PItTR 2016 in Lubin, Poland

24 September 2016 – Polytrauma
EFORT Fora at the 2016 Medford Conference of COAST in Larnaca, Cyprus

29 September 2016 – Open fractures: Update in 2016
EFORT Fora at the 53th Congress of SECOT 2016 in Coruña, Spain

12 October 2016 – Advances in The Treatment of the Spinal Injuries
EFORT Fora at the HAOST 2016 meeting in Athens, Greece

14 October 2016 – Modern Trends in Hip Arthroplasty
EFORT Fora at the V Congress of Serbian Orthopaedic and Trauma Association – SOTA 2016 in Belgrade, Serbia

26 October 2016 - Turkish Arthroplasty Registry
EFORT Fora at the 26th Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology in Antalya, Turkey

28 October 2016 - Advances in Hip Preserving Surgery Techniques
EFORT Fora at the 36th Congress of SPOT in Porto, Portugal

28 October 2016 - Surviving Polytrauma the First Week? How to Manage Common Problems and Pitfalls
EFORT Fora at the 101st National Congress of SIOT in Turin, Italy