Issue: October 2013
October 01, 2013
2 min read

2014 EFORT Comprehensive Review Course: Secure and refresh your basics

Issue: October 2013

Judging by all the received comments from past editions, the EFORT Comprehensive Review Course (CRC) is nowadays widely considered as a basic step in orthopaedic training. The high attendance and early interest raised by this educational programme are other reasons why it has become a constant component of our annual meetings. The 6th edition of the CRC commits to cover once more all the essential material to prepare for the EBOT exam in the most effective way across Europe.

Comprehensive Review Course 

The 15th EFORT Annual Congress, to be held in London from 4 to 6 June 2014 in collaboration with the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA), is projected to be Europe’s most important scientific event in orthopaedics and traumatology. Moreover, as reflected by the numerous nationalities of our attendees, the reputation of the EFORT Congress extends far beyond the borders of Europe. Therefore, as the Congress brings together many medical cultures, our scientific programme needs to feature a myriad of session formats tailored to meet all kind of needs.

The CRC is a full-day course that always runs on the second day of the congress and aiming to provide the core theoretical knowledge expected of all orthopaedic trainees at the end of their specialty curriculum. This course must be seen only as an outline and obviously cannot be exhaustive. However, it certainly addresses the essentials to pass such a high quality examination as the EBOT exam, which checks standards of continuing professional competence. The course is also a convenient way for experienced and senior surgeons to obtain an update of current practices and state of the art information encompassing the whole field of orthopaedics and traumatology.

Open to a group of 200 participants, this course is structured with about 20 presentations between 15 - 30 minutes long covering the following major categories:

  • Basic Science Reconstruction
  • Pediatrics Sports/knee
  • Tumor Trauma
  • Spine

With a programme built by the EFORT Scientific Committee under the direction of its Chair, Prof. Enric Cáceres-Palou from Barcelona, the CRC will be moderated by Dr Domizio Suva, a specialist in orthopaedic surgery at Geneva University Hospitals, whose special interest is in medical education.

“The idea behind the CRC is to provide a complete one-day overview of the essential material for the Specialist Exam of the European Board of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EBOT) so that participants who have mastered this material are on the safe side when it comes to taking the examination.2013

The CRC is for specialists already in practice and those still in residency who are interested in acquiring a broad overview, especially in light of the increased importance of the EBOT exam in forging a career,” he said.

The programme of this new edition of the CRC has been extensively reviewed to ensure broad and well-balanced scientific content, to add interactivity with slots specifically dedicated to audience participation, and also to provide a real exchange among attendees and the presenting experts via the online Forum hosted by EFORTnet. The criteria for selecting the speakers are not merely confined to the obvious one of first-class professional qualification, but they include the necessity of a lively speaking style and the use of greatly pedagogic accompanying visuals.

The CRC is compactly structured to allow participants to take home with them a host of other specialized content from the remaining two days of the Congress. The registration fees for the CRC along with two congress days are EUR 300. However, the CRC can also be booked separately for EUR 135, which covers documentation and lunch.

Do not miss it and register online now!


More information on the CRC Course: