Issue: June 2014
June 01, 2014
1 min read

The International Healthcare Timebomb - An avalanche of orthopaedics

Thursday 5 June 2014 | 15:00-17:00 | Auditorium: London | ExCeL London — follows the Presidential Guest Lecture

Issue: June 2014

The EFORT and BOA Presidents will chair a panel of distinguished speakers to address the challenges facing health care systems and orthopaedics around the world.

The panel, comprising leading experts in the international health care field, will focus on the impact of an ageing population and the imminent avalanche of demand for joint replacement surgery.

Lord Bernard Ribeiro CBE, the BOA Presidential Guest Lecturer and a former President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, will set the scene by opening the BOA Presidential Guest Lecture session at 14:30 with a talk focused on meeting the challenge of reconfiguring health services in the 21st century. A further strategic summit is planned for 2015 to build on this session.

Don’t miss out on the chance to join an audience of high level decision makers from industry as well as senior policymakers, and to have your say when the session is opened up to the floor: how do you think we should tackle the global musculoskeletal challenge that we are all facing?