Issue: April 2016
March 31, 2016
1 min read

17th EFORT Annual Congress in Geneva — Advanced Scientific Programme

The Advanced Scientific Programme is now online!

Issue: April 2016

We invite you to browse through the Geneva Advanced Scientific Programme – more than 200 scientific sessions have been scheduled during 3 days of the Congress from 1 to 3 June 2016.

You have the opportunity to search online the complete list of speakers and talks of each session, and filter your search by entering keywords, day or topics of interest.

Please click on the picture to access the search tool.

2016 Advanced Programme 

Book your preferred hotel now!

Do you wonder where to stay in Geneva during the EFORT Congress?

Geneva offers a large variety of hotels. MCI Berlin – our only officially appointed agent for hotel accommodations – is available to help you find the one that will suit you best.

The first step is to go to our registration platform. Then either: