Issue: February 2015
February 01, 2015
1 min read

Abstracts submission and acceptance: key figures

Issue: February 2015

This year the EFORT community has again demonstrated the exceptionally high standard of the scientific work in our field throughout Europe. Abstract submitters had the opportunity to put forward free papers, posters and clinical cases.

Submission rates are:

Orthopaedics: 2,450 abstracts submitted

  • Pelvis, Hip & Femur 26%
  • Knee & Lower Leg 24%
  • Musculoskeletal Infections 11%

Trauma: 1,104 abstracts submitted

  • Hip & Femur 26%
  • Shoulder & Upper Arm 14%
  • Hand & Wrist 12%

General Topics: 345 abstracts submitted

  • Basic Science 21%
  • Quality Management 16%
  • Biomechanics 15%

(% are based on the volume of each of the three groups above.)

It is worth highlighting the responsiveness of the EFORT community towards the main theme of our upcoming Prague 2015 Congress, as for the first time in our annual submission statistics the topic Musculoskeletal Infection appears at the 4th position in the ranking.

The awareness of the infection problem in the orthopaedics and trauma fields supports the mission of EFORT to improve the prevention and treatment of this dreaded complication.

Top 5 submitting countries

The top 5 submitting countries from 2014 were maintained for our upcoming Prague congress.

It highlights the stability of the orthopaedics and traumatology educational needs in United Kingdom – the country with the biggest submission rate – and the value of European expertise to Japan practitioners. Japan is our Invited Nation in 2015.

Abstract acceptance

All the categories were reviewed by our expert group of Scientific Advisors, to whom we are very grateful for their excellent work and commitment. Because we received around 3,900 abstracts, difficult choices had to be made due to constraints in time and space for presentations.

A total of 1,816 abstracts have been accepted: 676 free papers, 1,037 posters, 90 clinical cases and 13 nurse abstracts are now part of the scientific program of our Prague congress. The nurse abstracts will be presented during the nurse session.