September 02, 2015
1 min read

Single- and double-bundle ACL reconstruction increased anterior tibial translation

After single-bundle or double-bundle ACL reconstruction, anteroposterior laxity gradually increased under quadriceps muscle activation in ACL-reconstructed and ACL-intact knees. Comparable increases in anterior tibial translation were seen in reconstructed and intact knees in the results of this study.

Researchers prospectively collected data from 30 men who underwent ACL reconstruction, of whom 15 underwent single-bundle reconstruction and 15 underwent double-bundle reconstruction; 15 controls were also included in the study. Knee range of motion, Lachman, anterior drawer and pivot-shift test results were obtained, as well as IKDC, KOOS, Lysholm and Tegner scores.

The patients performed isometric quadriceps contractions at 30° knee flexion, as well as at 50° and 100° maximum quadriceps concentric contractions. Investigators assessed anterior tibial translation with a KT-2000 arthrometer.

Findings showed all patients reached full knee extension. Similar Lysholm, Tegner, IKDC and KOOS scores were found for both groups of patients with ACL- reconstructed knees. All groups showed similar knee flexion, extension and knee flexion/extension moment ratios.

The single- and double-bundle ACL reconstructed knees and controls were not significantly different with regard to anterior tibial translation, however anterior tibial translation was affected significantly by quadriceps activation. ‒ by Monica Jaramillo

Disclosures: The researchers report no relevant financial disclosures.