August 24, 2015
2 min read

10 items to read in pediatric and adolescent sports medicine

Orthopedics Today has highlighted ten important stories to keep your practice up-to-date regarding sports medicine issues in younger patients.


BLOG: Pitch Smart is a comprehensive resource for safe pitching practices

We are all looking for a solution to the escalation of youth baseball injuries, which is near epidemic proportions. Read more.

Overuse injuries a common issue for collegiate and high school athletes

According to recently published data, overuse injury is a significant issue facing athletes at the collegiate and high school levels. Read more.

Panel discusses epidemic of youth sports injuries, role of prevention programs

At Orthopedics Today Hawaii 2015, we convened a special Banyan Tree session to talk about injuries in youth athletes. Read more.

VIDEO: Examining how American high school athletes view concussive injuries

LAS VEGAS — At the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Guillem Gonzalez-Lomas, MD, examines a study on the the viewpoints and behaviors related to concussive injuries held by the American high school student-athlete. Watch video.

Increases in Tommy John surgeries likely after elbow injury in young athletes

ORLANDO, Fla. — Researchers observed an increase in the incidence of ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in young athletes between the ages of 15 and 19 years old, according to study results. Read more.


Rate of return to sport high by 1 year after all-epiphyseal ACL reconstruction in children

ORLANDO, Fla. — Skeletally immature patients with 3 years to 6 years of remaining growth who underwent all-inside, all-epiphyseal ACL reconstruction demonstrated a 9% failure rate, with most patients returning to sports — but not until an average of 12.5 months postoperatively, according to the findings from a study presented here. Read more.

BLOG: Time is right to make a major impact on the prevention of youth sports injuries

My first blog is to introduce and describe the STOP Sports Injuries program. Read more.

Treatment of osteochondritis dissecans lesions reliable, offers good outcomes in adolescent athletes

Findings published recently in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery showed treatment of large, unstable osteochondritis dissecans lesions of the capitellum allowed reliable return to play, was safe and had good clinical outcomes at short-term follow-up in adolescent athletes. Read more.

Football helmet add-ons may not reduce risk of concussion

Football helmet add-ons, including outer soft-shell layers, spray treatments, helmet pads and fiber sheets, may not significantly help lower the risk of concussions in athletes, according to a press release from the American Academy of Neurology. Read more.

Traumatic brain injuries in children pose challenge for physicians

Trauma is the leading cause of death in individuals between the ages of 0 and 19 years, with the highest rate of mortality in children ages 0 to 4, according presenters at a recent AONeuro webinar regarding the rising rate of traumatic brain injuries in children. Read more.