April 03, 2014
1 min read

Many aspects of medial patellofemoral reconstruction are still controversial

Much attention has been given to the medial patellofemoral ligament after Feller and the group from Durham, N.C., introduced us to the ligament in the early 1990s. Since then, many studies have contributed to the topic.

Today, in some aspects medial patellofemoral ligament research can be compared to the ACL research, however, there is some substantial differences in the number of papers, attention and scientific achievements. ACL studies have focused on the biomechanics of ACL reconstruction, prevention and the anatomical factors, such as the notch configuration and the tibia slope. In respect to these reconstructions, the choice of graft, single bundle or double bundle, foot prints, bone tunnels, tension, fixation, ingrowths, postoperative regime, return to sports, learning curve, factors for failures, including additional underlying instabilities, have been studied.



Lars Blønd

To read the full Patellofemoral Update blog from Lars Blønd, MD, click here.