Single-use instrumentation decreased time for navigated TKA
Single-use instrumentation, cutting blocks and trial implants increased the efficiency of navigated total knee arthroplasty, according to this study.
“There were modest time-savings from the introduction of this new technology when used with navigated total knee arthroplasty, but not with conventional instruments,” the researchers wrote in their abstract. “This may potentially increase operating room efficiency, but further efficiency gains will likely be required before an extra procedure can be performed in the same room.”
The researchers conducted a prospective controlled trial of 202 patients treated with conventional instruments and 205 patients treated with single-use instruments. Within each group, patients were randomized to undergo surgery with or without a navigated total knee arthroplasty (TKA) technique. Eight surgeons performed the procedures at six centers. The surgeons used the Stryker Triathlon Knee System (Mahwah, N.J.) for the control group and the Stryker Precision Knee System (Mahwah, N.J.), which included single-use and clear polycarbonate femoral cutting blocks and trials that were disposable after surgery, for the study group.
The researchers measured the duration of operating room (OR) preparation and clean up, and the surgical procedure.
The single-use instrument clean-up time improved by 4.9 minutes for the navigated TKA patients compared to 2.8 minutes for the non-navigated TKA patients. Using the single-use instruments, the adjusted surgical episode time decreased by 3 minutes for the non-navigated patients and by 9 minutes for the navigated patients. The researchers noted that in the best case scenario, the single-use instrumentation saved 1.2 minutes in procedure time, 6.9 minutes in instrument clean up and 9 minutes in set up.
Disclosures: Financial support was provided in support of the preparation of this work by Stryker Orthopaedics. Presscott Associates Ltd. managed the execution of this study at the eight participating centers. Mont is a paid consultant for Stryker Orthopaedics and Wright Medical Technologies, receives royalties from Stryker Orthopaedics, and has received institutional or research support from: Stryker Orthopaedics, Wright Medical Technologies, Biomet, BrainLab, DePuy, Finsbury, Smith & Nephew and Salient Surgical Technologies. Johnson is a consultant for Sage Products, DJO Global and Ongoing Care Solutions Inc. None of the other authors have any disclosures to make.