Issue: March 2013
February 12, 2013
1 min read

CBO lowers estimate for 10-year freeze of payments under the SGR

Issue: March 2013

The Congressional Budget Office recently released its Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023, which lowered the estimate to hold current payment rates under the sustainable growth rate for 10 years from $243.7 billion to $138 billion.

“We welcome the news from the [Congressional Budget Office] CBO that the cost of permanently replacing the flawed Medicare physician payment formula, known as [sustainable growth rate] SGR, has decreased dramatically,” AMA President Jeremy A. Lazarus, MD, stated in an AMA press release. “The new cost of freezing payments for 10 years is $138 billion, more than $100 billion less than the previous projection. The rate of Medicare spending growth declined compared to historical trends, and spending for physician services affected by the SGR is projected to be far less than previously estimated.”


Jeremy A. Lazarus

The AMA has called for a repeal of the SGR. “We urge Congress and the administration to take advantage of the fact that the cost of repealing the SGR [is] lower than it has been in many years and move promptly to replace the formula with a new system that encourages quality care while reducing costs,” Lazarus stated.

The AMA and American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons have lobbied in recent months to have the SGR repealed. Most recently, Congress averted a physician payment cut that would have reduced physician payments by 26.5% on January 1, 2013.

