October 15, 2012
1 min read

MedTech Europe launched at European MedTech Forum

An alliance of European medical technology industry associations, called MedTech Europe, was launched at the European MedTech Forum in Brussels.

"We are pleased with the launch of MedTech Europe which comes at a time when further cooperation between the medical technology industry associations is the right way forward. The Alliance gives the in vitro diagnostics industry the opportunity to sign on to the Contract for a Health Future and contribute to steering Europe’s healthcare systems onto a sustainable path,” Jürgen Schulze, president of the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association (EDMA), stated in a press release.

MedTech Europe was founded by the European Medical Technology Industry Association, Eucomed, and the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association, EDMA. The alliance will collaborate on common policy interest areas, with a focus on medical devices and in vitro diagnostics legislative frameworks, the medical technology industry 5-year strategy, health technology assessment and patients and safety and environmental issues. Future topics of collaboration will be determined by the Medtech European Board, which will be composed of three representatives from EDMA and three representatives from Eucomed.

They welcome other European medtech associations to join. MedTech Europe will be legally established by the end of 2012.