May 24, 2012
1 min read

EFORT announces new board members, national member societies and statute revisions at 13th Congress in Berlin

BERLIN – The General Assembly of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology announced the election new executive board members and national member societies at the 13th EFORT Congress 2012, here.

Prof. Dr. Maurlio Marcacci of Bologna, Italy was elected treasurer of EFORT. The General Assembly also named Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Günther of Dresden, Germany, as a new member at large. Marcacci and Günther will start their terms of office in January 2013.

The General Assembly also voted to include the German Trauma Association as a new national member society and the Asian Pacific Orthopaedic Association, the Association of Orthopedists, Traumatologists and Reabilitologists of Armenia, and the Egyptian Orthopaedic Association as new associate scientific members of EFORT.

The General Assembly voted on important changes to the statutes of EFORT, as well. The last revisions to the statutes were made in June 2006 in Geneva.

“Current revision of the statutes are aimed to support and secure the daily working practice of a modern and professional medical federation within the field of orthopaedics and musculoskeletal traumatology,” Per Kjaersgaard-Andersen, MD, Secretary General of EFORT, said.

The three main topics they approved were:

  • changes of terms for the Executive Board members and introduction of new board positions
  • governance on the choice of venues for future Congresses, and
  • EFORT’s domicile.

Other EFORT news at the 2012 Congress included introduction of the EFORT Academy, a new concept to support and promote clinical practice and basic musculoskeletal research. The Academy initiates and pilots educational and research actions, and evaluates all the scientific, educational and publication activities that require EFORT approval. It will also make recommendations on the stipends and fellowships awarded by EFORT.

The Academy offers a fellowship affiliation which is open internationally to all surgeons, physicians, researchers and allied health care providers in the field of orthopaedics and musculoskeletal trauma. The affiliates of the Academy carry the title “fellow of the Academy of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.”

The Academy is presided over by the Chairman of the Scientific Committee. The EFORT Secretary General and Treasurer also serve as the Academy’s Secretary General and Treasurer, and the Academy‘s nominating committee is constituted by the Chairmen of the Scientific, Education and Publication Committees.

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