July 01, 2011
1 min read

Salient Surgical Technologies receives FDA clearance for Aquamantys bipolar sealer

Salient Surgical Technologies Inc. announced in a press release that is has received 510(k) clearance from the FDA to use the AQUAMANTYS bipolar sealer in blunt dissection. The company also recently received Japanese regulatory approval and European CE Mark clearance for commercial marketing of the device.

According to the release, the device runs on Salient’s bipolar technology platform, using TRANSCOLLATION technology to enable surgeons to prevent and stop bleeding of soft tissue and bone during surgery. The new disposable sealer features cone-shaped electrodes that are designed to aid blunt dissection and provide hemostatic sealing across broad plains of tissue.

“We’ve incorporated Salient’s technology into our practice as a result of its proven ability to help reduce blood loss and transfusion rates,” T. Clark Gamblin, MD, MS, chief of the Division of Surgical Oncology at the Medical College of Wisconsin, stated in the release. “In our experience, the new AQUAMANTYS bipolar sealer provides a safe and convenient means to achieve these clinical benefits during surgical oncology procedures such as liver resections.”