June 03, 2009
1 min read

EFORT General Assembly confirms new committee members, future congress venues

VIENNA — EFORT’s legislative body, the General Assembly, elected the 2010 EFORT Executive Committee here.

The following individuals have been confirmed for the committee for the period of 2010 to 2011: Prof. Dr. Miklos Szendröi, Hungary, as EFORT President; Prof. Dr. Pierre Hoffmeyer, Switzerland, as EFORT Vice President; Dr. Manuel Cassiano Neves, Portugal, as EFORT Secretary General for a second term of office; Prof. Dr. Maurilio Marcacci, Italy, as an EFORT Member at Large, confirmed for a second term of office; and Prof. Dr. Philippe Neyret, France, as a new EFORT Member at Large.

The General Assembly also accepted the Serbian Orthopaedics and Traumatology Association and Ukrainian Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology as new National Member Societies. In addition, new Associate Scientific Members are the Persian Orthopaedics Trauma Association and the Saudi Orthopaedic Association.

Future Congress venues for 2012 through 2015 were also confirmed and are as follows: the 13th EFORT Congress will be held in 2012 in Berlin, Germany; the 14th EFORT Congress will be held in 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey; the 15th EFORT Congress will be held in 2014 in London, United Kingdom; and the 16th EFORT Congress will be held in 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic, and will be hosted by both the Czech and Slovakian Orthopaedic Societies.

For more information:

  • EFORT Central Office can be reached at Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland; +41-44-448-4400; e-mail: event@efort.org.