Efficacy of tranexamic acid shown for stemming blood loss in THR
Sukeik M. J Bone J Surg (Br). 2011; 93:39-46. doi:10.1302/0301-620X.93B1.24984.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials investigating the use of tranexamic acid during total hip replacement reveals significant reductions in intraoperative, postoperative and total blood loss.
Investigators from the United Kingdom included seven clinical trials, totaling 350 adult patients who underwent total hip replacement, in their final analysis. Patients in the tranexamic acid group received intravenous doses of the agent; while those in the control group received no treatment, placebo or a different antifibrinolytic agent, according to the study. The investigators compared the groups blood loss as well as the rate of complications and ratio of patients who needed transfusions.
The study revealed that tranexamic acid decreased the total blood loss by a mean of 289 mL. In addition, the agent led to a 104 mL mean reduction in intraoperative blood loss and decreased postoperative blood loss by 172 mL.
[Tranexamic acid] TXA led to a significant reduction in the proportion of patients requiring allogeneic blood transfusion the authors wrote in their abstract. There were no significant differences in deep-vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, infection rates or other complications among the study groups.