Orthopedics Today Hawaii 2008 strong science, sun and surf
We are bringing something new to the readers of Orthopedics Today.
For the first time we will hold our annual Orthopedics Today meeting in Hawaii, from January 13-16 at the Westin Maui Resort & Spa. Orthopedics Today Hawaii 2008 is an innovative, highly interactive educational course that offers the kind of leading-edge, pragmatic information found in this publication. The course moves to Hawaii following its successful 3-year run in New York City.
Orthopedics Today Hawaii 2008 is clinical and practical orthopedics. We start the first day with a practice management program designed for all orthopedists and then devote the next 3 days to two simultaneous tracks, so you can design and participate in your individual educational experience.
One track focuses on hip knee and shoulder joint replacement, and the other track targets sports medicine — primarily the knee and shoulder. A faculty I carefully chose will offer noteworthy presentations and video surgical experiences.
We have designed Orthopedics Today Hawaii 2008 to be different than other meetings — with unique, interactive formats that will enhance learning, with ample time for optional workshops and island exploration. Our social agenda — which will include some structured sports activities — will help attendees make the most of the unique and striking setting.
We will loosen up the program in a number of ways to encourage interactive, dynamic discussion. Formats will include electronic voting systems to gauge participants' views on presentations, "Clinical Challenges," where teams of leading orthopedists debate opposing views of key clinical issues, and in some sessions moderators will roam the audience for comments.
We will also feature round tables, critiques of important recent peer review articles and a quick tour of the latest in orthopedic technology, including panel discussion of what is in and what is out.
To supplement the didactic and unconventional presentations, in the late afternoon after free time you will have a chance to gather in small groups with faculty and other attendees "under the Banyon Tree" for relaxed, casual discussion on the topics of the day. Afternoons will also offer some non-CME motor skills workshops for those interested. Others will spend the afternoon golfing, swimming, surfing, sunning, sailing, fishing, hiking and the like in beautiful Hawaii, either individually or as part of scheduled group activities.
The hotel rates are such that you should consider bringing your significant other and family.
The faculty is an outstanding group of dynamic and current educators who are dealing with the same types of patients and challenges that you face. I have designed the course I would like to attend in coordination with Thomas P. Schmalzried, MD, (joint replacement moderator), Jack M. Bert, MD, (practice management coordinator), William N. Levine, MD, (shoulder moderator) and myself (knee moderator).
Join us for strong science education with an energizing format, and R&R and a beautiful, intimate environment that offers a chance to learn and to reflect on your work. For a look at the complete program and faculty turn to pages 54 and 55.
Douglas W. Jackson, MD
Chief Medical Editor
For more information:
- Orthopedics Today Hawaii
- Orthopedics Today Hawaii 2008, January 13-16, 2008, Westin Maui Resort and Spa, 1-800-307-5225.