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April 04, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Retina care is ‘sizzling,’ with new treatments, ongoing trials

NEW YORK — About 40 novel retina medications are in the pipeline, and a host of studies are being conducted on diagnostic devices, Mohammad Rafieetary, OD, FAAO, says in this Healio video.

Rafieetary, of Charles Retina Institute in Germantown, Tennessee, presented a lecture called “What’s Hot in Retina” at Vision Expo East, although he joked, “I should really change it to ‘What’s Sizzling in Retina.’”

In addition to recently approved therapies, researchers are evaluating treatments for neovascular age-related macular degeneration, geographic atrophy, dry AMD, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema and inherited retina disorders, as well as devices, he said.

The ALOFT (Analysis of the Long-term Visual Outcomes of ForeseeHome Remote Telemonitoring) study, a long-term analysis using the ForeseeHome monitoring device, showed that neovascular AMD can be detected much faster using the device vs. relying on patients coming into the office with symptoms, Rafieetary said.