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December 03, 2024
5 min watch

VIDEO: Expert details benefits of EVO ICL

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NEW YORK — In this Healio Video Perspective from OSN New York, George O. Waring IV, MD, FACS, discusses the benefits of the EVO ICL from STAAR Surgical.

Waring said refractive surgeons tend not to talk about implantable contact lenses because patients are looking for alternatives to the contact lenses they already have. However, introducing the EVO ICL technology can be simple because it is similar to LASIK, he said.

“Most patients understand LASIK, and their friends and family members have had LASIK, so it’s intuitive to them,” he said. “It takes about the same amount of time in the procedure. The recovery is very similar. But [the ICL] has additional benefits and features such as being removeable. It’s one of the only things that we do that we can undo. ... It also allows for ultraviolet protection.”