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October 09, 2024
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VIDEO: Silverstone device provides detailed view across retina up to far periphery

BARCELONA, Spain — In this Healio Video Perspective from the Euretina congress, Sohee Jeon, MD, PhD, shares her experience with the Silverstone ultra-widefield imaging system with integrated swept-source OCT.

This unique device from Optos allows for visualization of the retina up to the far periphery within seconds without dilating the pupil.

“The beauty of this machine is that you can share the image with the patients,” Jeon said, “and show them what it looks like and how it will affect their vision.”

Management of peripheral vitreoretinal abnormalities has been a gray area in which there is no consensus because the vitreous traction could not be visualized, Jeon said.

“Now we can make proper guidelines for the peripheral vitreoretinal abnormalities with the Silverstone because we can see the vitreoretinal traction itself,” Jeon said.