Geographic Atrophy Awareness

Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD

Donnenfeld reports consulting for Apellis.
October 11, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Research needed on best time to start geographic atrophy treatment


Editor's note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Well, I'm very excited about geographic atrophy and the fact that we now have two FDA-approved products. What we don't really know is exactly who the best patients are. We need to have some phase four trials. We need to look at some long-term results looking at how these medications slow the progression of the disease and who are the patients who are the best candidates. We also need to know more about when to start treating these patients. And there's some evidence that patients with large drusen may be the forerunner to geographic atrophy, and maybe it's best to treat some patients before they go on to frank geographic atrophy. So, there's a lot of material that we need to learn about. There are a lot of new studies and there's new products that are in the FDA pipeline to come forward very soon. But for right now, we're just very excited about having products available that can actually slow the progression of the disease. And we know the pipeline will be robust and there will be a lot of new medications coming forward in the near future.