Geographic Atrophy Awareness

Yasha Modi, MD

Modi reports consulting for Genentech and Zeiss, and serving on the advisory board for Apellis and Iveric Bio.

April 03, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Why geographic atrophy has been the 'bane of most retina specialists' existence'


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Geographic atrophy has been probably the bane of most retina specialists’ existence primarily because there are no decent treatment options available. You know, we prescribe AREDS vitamins or AREDS2 vitamins to our patients, and the rationale for doing that is really for slowing the progression to advanced AMD, but all the therapeutic benefit occurs in reducing the risk of progressing to the exudative form of macular degeneration. So we really don’t have any therapeutic options for geographic atrophy specifically. Rather, it’s just about surveillance of their vision and trying to detect early conversion to wet AMD.