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October 25, 2024
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VIDEO: Lenacapavir shows ‘amazing’ results for resistant HIV

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LOS ANGELES — Lenacapavir, the twice-yearly injectable HIV drug, could potentially transform HIV prevention if it is approved as PrEP, research has shown.

In the meantime, the drug is already approved in the United States to treat people with multidrug-resistant HIV, and research continues to demonstrate its effectiveness in this population, according to findings presented at IDWeek.

In this video, Onyema Ogbuagu, MBBCh, FACP, FIDSA, associate professor of infectious disease and pharmacology at the Yale School of Medicine, summarizes 3-year data from the CAPELLA study, which assessed lenacapavir combined with an optimized background regimen among people with HIV resistant to at least two drugs from the main HIV drug classes.

Based on the results, “we feel confident that lenacapavir has held its own for a long period of time,” Ogbuagu said. “The main takeaway is that lenacapavir is a really viable option for patients who have accrued HIV drug resistance over time, and this really allows us to salvage individuals who have no other options” for treatment.

Watch the video for details of the findings that Ogbuagu presented at IDWeek.


  • Ogbuagu O, et al. Abstract 155. Presented at: IDWeek; Oct. 16-19, 2024; Los Angeles.