An image of a lung xray and gloved hands holding them over a light is the foreground contrasted and overlayed by the same image but smaller and brighter in the right hand corner

Hot Topics in Lung Cancer

Disease State

Below are some quick facts about lung cancer:

  • Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and the second most diagnosed cancer in men and women in the U.S.
  • Lung cancers are usually grouped into two main types: small cell and non-small cell (including adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma), with non-small cell lung cancer being more common than small cell.
  • Symptoms of lung cancer typically occur after the disease is advanced.
  • Doctors can diagnose the disease on a molecular level.
  • While cigarette smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer, around one-third of deaths from lung cancer are due to tobacco use, high BMI, alcohol use, low fruit and vegetable intake, and lack of physical activity.
  • Biomarker testing can be a critically important way to guide treatment discussions with patients who have been diagnosed with lung cancer.