Dale Shepard, MD, PhD
In this video, Dale Shepard, MD, PhD, medical oncologist and director of the phase 1 and sarcoma programs at Cleveland Clinic’s Taussig Cancer Institute, discusses:
- emerging therapeutic targets – such as BRAF, HER2, MSI-high, NTRK and RET mutations – in colorectal cancer (CRC);
- the importance of getting patients into screening, either via noninvasive efforts or colonoscopy;
- obesity as a risk factors of CRC as well as practical considerations for the treatment and dosing of patients with obesity;
- hypotheses on how some bacteria in the gut play a role in CRC;
- the value of understanding the gut microbacteria as it may enable clinicians to predict who might develop CRC based on gut flora, modify their gut flora to prevent colon cancer and develop treatments;
- the need to test newer, innovative immunotherapies and move away from trying to make current checkpoint inhibitors – which have potential in the 5% of patients who have MSI-high disease – work for all patients with CRC; and
- the greatest challenges, such as the need to increase screening to find patients at earlier stage, to find novel targets and to include patients with CRC into clinical trials.