BLOG: Three women in oncology on running the inaugural Every Woman’s Marathon

On Nov. 16, 2024, more than 7,000 runners convened in Savannah, Georgia, for the inaugural Every Woman’s Marathon.
While billed as the Every Woman’s Marathon, it is open to everyone, including men, nonbinary and transgender participants. There are a few charities that the race itself is affiliated with and participants can choose which to support.

Photos courtesy of Amy Comander, MD, DipABLM; Catherine Nelson, DO, MS; and Robin Yates Dulman, MD.
According to the organizers, the goal is “to get more women out there, experiencing the sense of joy and community that comes with completing a marathon.”
For many, this was the first time running in a marathon, including one of us.
Robin Yates Dulman, MD
I had never run a marathon previously.
I first learned of the marathon through the Facebook group, Mama Docs Running Club, where we frequently talk about upcoming races.
When I heard about this race, many of us decided to sign up because the registration price was super affordable, and the ability to meet up with friends and spend the weekend together and run a race sounded fun.
I started training for two other marathons in 2021 and 2022, but got injured, had to stop training and did not participate in either marathon.
After healing from those injuries, I continued to run and exercise regularly, mostly running shorter races — 10 milers or half marathons with occasional 5K or 10K. With running, I do better when I have a race to train for to help me plan my weekly workouts.
This past spring, I ran a 5K followed by a half marathon the following day and hurt my foot — I broke a bone and was in a boot for more than a month. I started physical therapy as soon as I could and did whatever modified workouts I could while in the boot and never thought I would be ready to run a marathon by November.
My first run back after that injury was in June. I started slowly, but decided to see if I could slowly work up to the mileage needed for a marathon, and I did! I had a mild injury in October and took a break but then returned to training with a slower goal than initially planned. I listened to my body and was able to complete my first marathon on Nov. 16 with the help, guidance and motivation of my running friends.
For me, exercising daily is part of my routine. If I can’t exercise regularly, I feel unmotivated to do anything during my day.
I get up early to help my daughter get ready for school, and in the time between that and needing to get ready for work, I fit in a workout. Most weekdays I have about 45 minutes to work out but feel so accomplished once this is done so I can move on with my day. The evenings are busy with getting my children to activities, working and trying to get stuff done around the house, that I find a.m. workouts more motivating.
I like having a goal to drive my workouts — whether it’s a strength program to help me stay strong in my aging body or a race to train for. I like having a program to motivate me.
I have learned that I also need rest and recovery as well, and build rest days — which may include yoga, mobility, stretching or a walk alone or with friends/family — into my weekly schedule.
I feel the best way to motivate to exercise is to build it into your daily routine. You then realize how different your day is with that exercise built in and you miss it when it’s not done. I tell my patients that while formal exercise — such as classes, running and training for a race — is one way to get exercise, any way you enjoy moving your body is important and serves the same purpose.
While I don’t think running a marathon is for everyone — I wasn’t sure I ever would — it is an amazing accomplishment. It’s not the race that is simply the accomplishment, but training as well. Finding the time in a busy schedule to train regularly, including hours-long runs is incredibly challenging. It often means early mornings, possibly forgoing sleep or family time to get in a run, and juggling the rest of life, especially as a busy mom, physician and oncologist.
With this being my first marathon, I went into the race thinking one and done. However, I now will consider running another marathon, with the goal of running for a specific charity, and possibly in NYC.

Catherine Nelson, DO, MS
The Every Woman Marathon is open to everyone, but geared for women of all shapes, sizes, races and abilities.
I am excited to see the marathon evolve because it filled my cup— from seeing so many women out there running their first marathons, to all the spectators, to the post race concert. It’s well organized and in a beautiful city — Savannah, Georgia.
I am part of a runner mom doctor group, POWR [physician wing open runners], who discovered this race. Empowering every woman is why this group exists, and several of us met to run this race together.
Running empowers me. It gives me space to process my job and de-stress. Running makes me feel strong. I love distance running because it has shown me what my body can do. It doesn’t have to be a marathon. It can start with a mile. One mile leads to two, which becomes a 5K, and so on, until you decide it’s enough. There really is no limit.
Amy Comander, MD, DipABLM
I love running for so many reasons — after my morning run, I am always in a better mood and feel ready to start my day. Running is the best way for me to carve out time for myself, get outside, experience nature and clear my mind.
I also love the power of the running community and the strong friendships that form through running.
As soon as I saw this race advertised — and realized that it would be held in my hometown, Savannah, Georgia — I immediately signed up and encouraged all of my running friends to register too. This marathon was number 17 for me!
I am fortunate to be part of the incredible group of female physicians who run, Mama Docs Running Club, which is an amazing community of female physicians who share a love for running. Our mission is to create a supportive space that empowers women physicians to embrace challenges, strive for excellence and make a difference. I was thrilled about the opportunity to run through the streets of Savannah and show off my hometown.
I often hear people say, “Wow, I could never run a marathon.” I understand that running isn’t for everyone. While exercise is essential, it’s just as important to discover an activity that brings you joy.
As a lifestyle medicine expert, I truly believe that ‘exercise is medicine,’ and we all need to find ways to incorporate physical activity into our busy schedules. I know this can be challenging, but finding what works for you makes all the difference. When I think about how to find motivation, I often quote my favorite elite marathon runner, Des Linden, who won the 2018 Boston Marathon: “Remember, your why. When things get hard, you have the decision to bail or you can remember your why.” I encourage my patients and colleagues to think about their ‘why’ when it comes to taking on new challenges.
Kathrine Switzer, the trailblazing first woman to run the Boston Marathon with an official race number, famously said, “If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon.” As a race captain at this event, Kathrine’s presence made the experience even more special and meeting her was an incredible honor.
When it comes to running, I place a strong focus on the power of mindset. The mental aspect of running can often be even more transformative than the physical. I also love this quote from John Hanc: “I’ve learned that finishing a marathon isn’t just an athletic achievement, it’s a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible.”
If you want to join me at the Every Woman’s Marathon in 2025, please reach out to me. I will help you choose a training plan and would love to welcome you to our Women in Oncology running community.
For more information:
Amy Comander, MD, DipABLM, is director of breast oncology and survivorship at Mass General Cancer Center in Waltham and at Newton-Wellesley, and the medical director of the Mass General Cancer Center in Waltham. She is director of the Lifestyle Medicine Program at the Mass General Cancer Center and an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School. She also serves as a Healio Women in Oncology Peer Perspective Board Member. She can be reached at
Robin Yates Dulman, MD, pediatric hematologist and oncologist at Pediatric Specialists of Virginia and Inova Children’s Hospital. She can be reached at:
Catherine Nelson, DO, MS, is a pediatric hematologist and oncologist at Sanford Health. She can be reached at: