VIDEO: MRD testing determines therapy cessation for patients with multiple myeloma
CHICAGO — In this video, Adam Cohen, MD, spoke to Healio about the use of minimal residual disease testing to determine cessation of therapy in patients with multiple myeloma.
The MRD2STOP trial, presented at ASCO Annual Meeting, observed multiple factors in patients to determine the discontinuation of maintenance therapy.
“This was a small study that needs to be confirmed in larger numbers,” Cohen, associate professor of medicine in hematology-oncology at Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, said. “But I think this is exciting data. And I think this will allow us eventually to become smarter about how we are going to treat our patients [and] how long we have to treat them.”
- Derman BA, et al. Abstract 106. Presented at: ASCO Annual Meeting; May 31-June 4, 2024; Chicago.