Metastatic Breast Cancer Video Perspectives

Paolo Tarantino, MD

Tarantino reports receiving research funding (to institution) from AstraZeneca; and serving in a consulting or advisory role for AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo, Eli Lilly, Genentech, Gilead, Roche and Novartis.

May 02, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: Importance of managing risk factors, prioritizing screening for metastatic breast cancer


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Absolutely, we know that there are several risk factors that are important and can be managed and actionated [sic] in order to reduce the risk of breast cancer. First of all, we know that being active, physical activity, especially aerobic activity, can reduce risk of breast cancer. And so, we tend to recommend that at least three times a week. We know that that is helpful both in the setting of established breast cancer, but also to prevent it. And also, in terms of the diet, having a balanced diet, avoiding, of course, obesity. We know that, in general, adipose tissue can produce estrogens, and reducing the risk for obesity with a balanced diet can help reduce also the risk of breast cancer. And since I mentioned hormones, we know that utilizing exogenous hormones, hormone replacing therapy, can increase the risk of breast cancer. There are still some indications in which it is reasonable, of course, and helpful to utilize more replacement therapy, but I think it's important to balance for each indication, what is the risk of increasing the risk of breast cancer, and what are the benefits? And we need to recognize this. And whenever it's not clinically critical, I think trying to avoid hormone replacement therapy can be helpful. And beyond this, one that, of course, can be modified, but it's more societal modifications is pregnancy. We know that having a pregnancy early and also breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer, Although, this is something, of course, that it's kind of a societal thing. And then finally, we know that reducing the intake of alcohol, of course, can help, and this goes within a balanced diet, you know, that higher intake of alcohol can track with higher risk of breast cancer, and so keeping a moderate utilization of alcohol can help reducing the risk. And finally, it's not a risk factor, but still, we know that screening can help to detect breast cancer early and improve outcomes. And so beyond modifying risk factor, I think it's always important to remember to utilize screening for breast cancer in order to detect smaller tumors and to have better outcomes in the long run.