DLBCL Video Perspectives

Tycel Phillips, MD

Phillips reports no relevant financial disclosures.
February 23, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Diagnostic challenges in DLBCL


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I think this can be a two-part answer when we look at sort of diagnostic issues. The easier one is just time of diagnosis, especially getting results back from molecular testing like FISH, in order to exclude out double hit lymphomas. In that situation, a lot of times patients may get started based on symptoms with R-CHOP, or you know, R-CHOP with plans to escalate if the FISH were to come back positive. Because again, the turnaround for the FISH testing could be about two weeks.

The other situation we may encounter if we have a situation where a patient may have a transformation or they have a biopsy that's inconclusive, and we're sort of left to make a judgment call of whether this is large cell lymphoma, based on symptoms, PET scans, or lavatory values. So in that situation, most people tend to err on the side of caution and treat it as large cell lymphoma. But these are sort of the situations that we sometimes come across when managing our patients, as far as like, diagnostic-wise.