CLL Awareness

Ryan W. Jacobs, MD

Jacobs reports numerous ties to industry.
December 01, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Importance of increasing CLL awareness


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For clinicians, I think it's more just taking opportunities, like I try to do, to do educational reviews of the new treatment options and the latest data because it's tough for an oncologist that treats all the different cancers to know all the new updates for CLL. Along those lines, from a patient side of things, I think it is important to be aware of the support groups that are out there, like the CLL Society, but also LLS, Lymphoma Research Foundation. Those are three. But what those support groups will also champion if you have access to somebody that does have the fortune to be able to specialize in your cancer type, like CLL, it makes sense to at least try to check in, particularly if there's discussions about starting treatment, so you can have the benefit of getting, you know, the most up-to-date recommendations and potentially clinical trial opportunities.