Multiple Myeloma Video Perspectives

Samer Al Hadidi, MD, MS, FACP

Al Hadidi reports no relevant financial disclosures.
July 12, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Bispecific antibodies show potential in multiple myeloma


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Other therapies that are showing some potential in multiple myeloma are specifically the bispecific antibody drugs. So those are new development in multiple myeloma, and they're being now studied in the heavily pre-treated patients. There are multiple presentations in ASCO looking into multiple BCMA targeted by specific antibodies. Some of those were updated presentations, and some of them, new presentations on those targets. Also, talquetamab, which is a target onto the GPRC5D plasma cell, was also presented with longer follow-up. So all in all, those bispecific antibodies, they provide really good responses in around two-third of patients. And some of those responses are complete responses, some of them are very good partial responses, or partial responses, though they come with an expense of increased risk of infections, since they manipulate the immune system in those heavily pre-treated patients. So that was one theme in the presentations, that we need to be cautious about infections with those agents when we use them in our patient population. As we speak now, in the US, none of those products are approved by the FDA to use in patients outside of clinical trial. But hopefully in the near future, we'll get some of those available to use for patients. They're promising because they provide more than two-thirds response rates, compared to the old one-third response rate for the older drugs in development. So that is exciting. And I think having more targets is really exciting.