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July 07, 2021
5 min watch

VIDEO: Acalabrutinib equal to ibrutinib in PFS with less cardiotoxicity

In this video, John C. Byrd, MD, a professor at The Ohio State University, discussed the study he presented at ASCO21 that showed progression-free survival rates were equal among patients with CLL treated with acalabrutinib vs. ibrutinib.

In addition, the head-to-head study of 533 patients showed that acalabrutinib produced less cardiotoxicity and fewer discontinuations due to adverse effects.


"We've got a study with a large number of patients that shows that acalabrutinib is at least as good as ibrutinib, it has a no statistically better survival, and it has significantly less atrial fibrillation, hypertensions, and discontinuation because of adverse events," Byrd said.


"This may be a better BTK inhibitor to start with," he said.