Endocrine Today Current Issue
The following articles appeared in the print edition of Endocrine Today.
Table of Contents
- Election 2008 and health care
- Male ‘pill’ making progress, but under-supported
- Despite the limitations of current formulations, is it more important to bring a compound to market and then allow the public to decide?
- Collaboration of physicians behind first observations of Prader-Willi syndrome
- Problems with an insulin pump user Ronald Tamler, MD, PhD, MBA
- Putting diabetes conversation maps into practice Janice Koshinsky, RN, MS, CDE
- Health plans and the economic crisis: Is there a difference between the candidates’ health plans? Richard O. Dolinar, MD
- Wake up to sleep Virginia Zamudio, RN, MSN, CDE; Virginia Zamudio Lange, RN, MSN, CDE
- Metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma Stephanie L. Lee, MD, PhD, ECNU
- Blood pressure may predict retinopathy in adolescent type 1 diabetes
- HbA1c of at least 6.1% can identify patients with undiagnosed diabetes
- Increased estrogen use, dosage associated with increased risk for GERD symptoms
- Many FDA-approved drug trial results remain unpublished
- Monitoring, discussion effective for adolescents with diabetes
- Waistline may be predictor for cardiovascular disease
- BEAUTIFUL: Ivabradine did as well as placebo
- Higher complication rates seen after thyroid surgery in elderly patients
- Investigational DPP-IV inhibitor lowered HbA1c in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Ospemifene improved common, bothersome vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women
- SEAS: Prostate, skin cancers common among treatment group
- Ten-year UKPDS data confirm benefits of early, intensive glucose control
- TRANSCEND: Telmisartan may be potential treatment for high-risk diabetes, vascular disease
- Cardiorespiratory fitness and metabolic syndrome Trudy Gaillard, PhD, RN, CDE
- Review of A1cNow+ point-of-care device for monitoring HbA1c James R. Taylor, PharmD, CDE